Developing ASAM ODS EXD-API Plugins


Developing ASAM ODS EXD-API Plugins#

Developing an EXD-API Plugin starts with getting the gRPC definition file (.proto file) from the ASAM GitHub repository. Use the gRPC tools to generate the initial server code from the .proto file. The gRPC tools support many different programming language and you best choose a programming languages which already provides a library for the file or data format you want to create your ExD Service for.

The ease-of-use and rich eco system makes Python a popular programming language for writing gRPC services and you can find some examples of Python based EXD-API Plugins like the MDF4 EXD-API Plugin here or in the totonga GitHub repository.

Please note, that once you’re done programming your EXD-API Plugin, it must be registered with the ASAM ODS Server and the according import service to make your data show-up in an ASAM ODS server eventually.


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