ASAM ODS Overview#

Data management on standards is data management build on ASAM ODS.

For being more productive and having more fun with data management on ASAM ODS, we have created some notebooks which guides you through the usage.

In our examples we use the open-source Python ASAM ODSBox introducing JAQuel Queries and pandas.DataFrames to the ASAM ODS API, which makes dealing with ASAM ODS data in Python more efficient.

Example Notebooks#

Explore the Data Model#

The strength and flexibility of an ASAM ODS server is storing the data according to a data model which suites your data needs. Like an Entity-relationship model it defines your business objects, and adds additional semantic information.

This notebook gives some ideas exploring the data model:

Query Peak ODS Server#

In the notebook you learn how to connect to a Peak ODS Server and query for data (objects) in the server. Starting from simple JAQueL queries, over defining the returned data sets up to using referenced objects, all major aspects of programmatically data exploration are covered.

Load measurement data#

The notebook explains how to receive time series (measurement) data from the Peak ODS Server and converts it to pandas.DataFrames for further processing.


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