Repository Rules

Branching strategy

Main Branches

  • main: This branch contains the stable, production-ready code. Only thoroughly tested and approved changes are merged here.

  • dev: This is the integration branch for features and fixes. All new development work is merged here before it goes to main.

Supporting Branches

  • Feature Branches: Used for developing new features. These branches are created from dev and merged back into dev once the feature is complete.

    • Naming convention: feature/feature-name

  • Bugfix Branches: Used for fixing bugs. These branches are also created from dev and merged back into dev after the fix.

    • Naming convention: bugfix/bug-name

  • Release Branches: When preparing for a new release, a release branch is created from dev. This branch is used for final testing and minor bug fixes before merging into main.

    • Naming convention: release/x.y.z

  • Hotfix Branches: For critical fixes that need to be applied to the production code immediately. These branches are created from main and merged back into both main and dev.

    • Naming convention: hotfix/x.y.z

Workflow Example

Feature Development

  • Create a feature branch from dev:
    git checkout -b feature/new-feature dev

  • Develop the feature and commit changes.

  • Merge the feature branch back into dev:
    git checkout dev && git merge feature/new-feature

  • Delete the feature branch:
    git branch -d feature/new-feature

Release Preparation

  • Create a release branch from dev:
    git checkout -b release/1.0.0 dev

  • Perform final testing and bug fixes.

  • Merge the release branch into main:
    git checkout main && git merge release/1.0.0

  • Tag the release:
    git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "Release 1.0.0"

  • Merge the release branch back into dev:
    git checkout dev && git merge release/1.0.0

  • Delete the release branch:
    git branch -d release/1.0.0


  • Create a hotfix branch from main:
    git checkout -b hotfix/1.0.1 main

  • Apply the hotfix and commit changes.

  • Merge the hotfix branch into main:
    git checkout main && git merge hotfix/1.0.1

  • Tag the hotfix:
    git tag -a v1.0.1 -m "Hotfix 1.0.1"

  • Merge the hotfix branch into dev:
    git checkout dev && git merge hotfix/1.0.1

  • Delete the hotfix branch:
    git branch -d hotfix/1.0.1

Merge Requests

Merge request must follow the Conventional Commits naming rules.